Monday, February 24, 2014

Lauren McBride


Once more I tried
to drown in gin,
but dreamt of
you yelling
Take your stinking bottles
out with the trash!
until I woke,
hands clapped to ears:
"I thought you'd shut up
when I strangled you!"

Sarah Stockton reads "Your Voice":

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Lauren confesses: "Who hasn't woken from a dream so vivid it haunted reality? But what if reality is the nightmare and dreams are the only escape? 'Your Voice' came from imagining a man unable to distinguish between the two."

Faith, nature, molecular biology, and membership in the SFPA help to inspire LAUREN MCBRIDE's stories and poems, which have appeared or are forthcoming in various science fiction, fantasy, horror, nature and children's publications including Dreams & Nightmares, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, Tales of the Talisman, Scifaikuest (featured poet, August 2010) and The Drabbler (second place, issue 21). She shares a love of laughter, science and the ocean with her husband and two children.

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