Gerald So, Editor

Photo of Gerald wearing a blue polo shirt against a yellow brick background
Photo by Gerald So
I started to see crime through the lens of poetry in 1993 reading Robert B. Parker novels about poet-inspired private investigator Spenser.

Crime seeped into my poetry such that I was featured in Anthony Rainone's Spring 2007 Mystery Scene article, "Raven in a Trenchcoat: Hardboiled & Noir Poetry".

And after co-publishing The Lineup annual chapbooks 2008–11, I created The Five-Two to debut new crime poetry on the Web each week, collecting fifty-two in each year's ebook, almost twice as many as a chapbook held.

Each Five-Two poem has a companion video. For poets unable to record, videos are volunteered by me or other Voices of The Five-Two.

In The Five-Two's twelfth year, Elon Musk chaotically took over Twitter, upending an important news outlet for the site, and Blogger's post editor became unreliable in the wee hours, the time I usually worked on the site. So with the end of Year 12, I ended the Poem of the Week feature.

The blog now sporadically publicizes Five-Two alumni news. Meanwhile you can keep up with me on my book review blog So Much to Talk About, my personal blog Very Much So, or on Mastodon.